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ITC Graduation Exhibition

The ITC Graduation Exhibition aims to provide student designers with the opportunity to showcase the best of their works to local fashion designers, industry members, friends, family and the general public.

Graduates of the BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion & Textile in 2017, who majored in Fashion & Textile Design, and Knitwear Design & Technology, are given this excellent opportunity to promote their talent by showcasing their work.

Each student designer selected his/her most outstanding outfit for the exhibition, so as to fully demonstrate their creativity and innovativeness, as well as their talent in fashion design.

紡織及製衣學系畢業展覽旨在為學生設計師們構建一個機會,向本地時裝設計師、紡織業界、朋友、家人和公眾展示他們的畢業作品。 展出的作品中 ,包括本年度在時裝與紡織設計專業、針織設計與技術專業的畢業生。畢業生各自選擇出自己最優秀的作品,透過是次展覽,展現他們在時尚設計方面的才能及他們的創意和創新能力 。

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